Sunday School

Classes are offered for children nursery age through the 5th grade and are structured to create an environment of belonging, safety, and Christian love. Sunday School begins at 10:00 a.m. and concludes at 10:45 a.m.

McKid's Faith Explorers - A group for kids 3 years-Kindergarten!

We will explore what it means to have faith. Learn about God, Jesus and the Bible. We will have lessons, games, activities and fun! 

We meet EVERY OTHER Tuesday from 5:30-6:15pm in the Family Life Center beginning October 4th.

McKid's Digging Sand Box - A group for 1st-5th graders!

We will learn about faith, dig into the Bible, uncover how great is our God and so much more through games, activities and lessons.

We meet every Tuesday from 6:30-7:30pm starting in the children’s wing and ending in the FLC beginning October 4th.

Children's Church

Children's church is offered during the 9:00 a.m. worship services. Children will join us for the first half of the worship service and will then be dismissed after the children's message.

Vacation Bible School

Held annually for kids age 3 to rising 6th graders. A nightly meal is served, and children spend time with others in their age groups learning the Bible, playing games, singing songs, serving in mission, and more. The week wraps up with a program where the kids share with their families what they've learned throughout the week with song and pictures. 


  • GOD

“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.” Proverbs 22:6

MCKIDS Missions include:

  • Collect tabs for the Ronald McDonald House
  • Shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child
  • Send cards to Heritage members
  • Purse Project

MCKIDS Activities: 

  • Open Gym
  • MC Kids Night out
  • Family movie night
  • Bikes, Trikes and Scooters
  • Easter Egg Hunt
  • Vacation Bible School
  • Trunk-A-Treat
  • Water Fun
  • And so much more!

Safe Sanctuary certified

Morris Chapel is a certified Safe Sanctuary congregation, meaning your children will grow in their faith in a safe and loving environment.

Individuals working with children attend annual training covering procedures for working with the individual child and groups of children, plus interpersonal relationship guidelines, safety, first-aid and CPR. Background checks are also performed on all workers.

For a copy of the Safe Sanctuaries policy, please contact Samantha Wesley, Director of Children's Ministries.