why it's important to serve.

Jesus leaves us with a pretty strong message that we are to "go and do" and get into the messiness of life by supporting others around us - the poor, the widowed, the imprisoned, the grieving, the outcasts, the downtrodden, the forgotten - so His work can continue through our own actions.

We believe it is important for all Christ-followers to devote a balanced portion of their time and talents to doing God's work, in order to grow in their faith. When you make the time to follow Him more closely, you become less selfish and more selfless.

And, that's a good thing. So, remember...

God doesn't call the qualified - He qualifies those he calls.

Soon, various opportunities to serve as part of the missions and ministries of Morris Chapel will be posted here.

Until then...

We pray...that you'll be led to give a balanced portion of your time to the work to be done...that your faith will be expanded by giving your time to do His work...that those who you have yet to serve will find Jesus' love in the work done by your hands...and that God's kingdom gets expanded here on earth, through the simple acts you can do. Amen.