Sunday school

Sunday School groups meet from 10-10:45am, immediately after the 8:45am and 9:00am worship services, and right before the 11:00am worship service.

Each class has its own unique flavor which can only be appreciated by visiting. We encourage you to visit several classes until you find the one which is a good match. 

For more information please the church office at (336) 595-8101.

Click here for the campus map, with room numbers.


Class name: Cradle Nursery

Room number: 12

Ages/Grades: Birth to walking (average age is 0 to 12 months)

Teacher/Coordinator: TBD

Class Activities: Loving care of infants

Class Name:  Toddlers

Room number: 34

Ages/Grades: Crawlers (average age is 12 to 24 months)

Teacher/Coordinator: Emily Webster

Topics/Literature: Deep Blue By Cokesbury

Class name: Twos

Room number: 37

Ages/Grades: 2 year olds

Teacher/Coordinator: Susan Smith, Dana Webster

Topics/Literature: Deep Blue By Cokesbury

Class name: 3, 4, 5 year olds - Pre-K

Room number: 32

Ages/Grades: 3 to 5 year olds (pre-kindergarten)

Teachers/Coordinator: Ginger Amos, Ann Stevens

Topics/Literature: Deep Blue By Cokesbury

Class name: Kindergarten, 1st Grade & 2nd Grade

Room number: 24

Ages/Grades: Kindergarten and 1st Graders

Teachers/Coordinator: Liz Dull, Tracy Vogler and Melissa Byrd

Topics/Literature: Deep Blue by Cokesbury

Class name: 3rd and 4th Grade

Room number:  26

Ages/Grades: 3rd and 4th Graders

Teachers/Coordinator: Michelle Fulp, Jennifer Boles

Class Activities: Discussion, songs, art, games

Topics/Literature: Deep Blue by Cokesbury

Class name: 5th Grade

Room number: 27

Ages/Grades: 5th Graders

Teachers/Coordinator: Mike and Debbie Causby

Class Activities: Discussion, sharing, games

Topics/Literature: Deep Blue by Cokesbury


Class name: Middle School Boys

Room number: 46

Ages/Grades: 6th, 7th and 8th grade boys

Teachers: Rob Shepherd

Topics/Literature: Active Bible Study

Social activities: UMYF (United Methodist Youth Fellowship) activities

Mission activities: UMYF activities, summer mission trip

Class name: Middle School Girls

Room number: 45

Ages/Grades: 6th, 7th and 8th grade girls

Teachers: Salem Smith-Shupp

Topics/Literature: Active Bible Study

Social activities: UMYF (United Methodist Youth Fellowship) activities

Mission activities: UMYF activities, summer mission trip

Class name: Senior High

Room number: 49

Ages/Grades: 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th graders (combined)

Teachers: Wesley Hutchins

Literature: All types of methods with emphasis on roles as Christians

Social activities: UMYF (United Methodist Youth Fellowship) activities

Mission activities: UMYF activities, CCC (Carolina Cross Connection) summer mission trip


Class name: Adult Disciples

Room number: 43

Ages: 40-60’s

Teachers: Class members Robert Neal, Steve Pegram, Dean Swaim, Elaine Whicker

Teaching format: Discussion of reading material authored by James W. Moore

Social activities: Christmas activities

Mission activities: Italian Night Fundraiser with dispersement of proceeds from that event; Bethesda Center; Romanian Mission; Make-a-Wish; Angel Lunch; Christmas Family; Gifts of Grace; Sponsor youth missions; Food Pantry; Jamaica Mission; Local Family Needs.

Other comments: We utilize Bible based studies as it applies to our daily lives

Class name: Adult Fellowship

Room number: 44

Ages: 60-70’s

Teachers: Class members Lee Carpenter, Harvey Dillon, Karen Dillon, Spencer Evans, Rebecca Tuttle, Mary Jo Weavil

Teaching format: Varies with the teacher and the literature used—has included video or guided discussion

Current Study: International Bible Lessons Adult Bible Series by Cokesbury (official quarterly resource of the United Methodist Church)

Social activities: Meet at a designated restaurant several times a year, sometimes meet at a member home or Fellowship Hall (covered dish or small group prepare all); may take day trip on church bus, refreshments in class on Sunday once a month and each Sunday in December.

Mission activities: Deliver a card and seasonal treat bag to approximately 20 church heritage members near significant annual holidays; deliver a fruit basket to several heritage members each December; cook out annually for residents at Creekside; Christmas party annually for residents at Creekside with party meal and gift filled bag for each resident; fill approximately 30 Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes and provide postage; provide refreshments/meal at Bethesda Center usually twice a year; distribute funds raised at annual barbecue to various ministries (both community wide and church sponsored); provide funds for various ministry requests from class operating funds; provide meals to class members in times of need; card from class to those on class prayer concern list each week.

Other comments: Initiated annual barbecue fund raiser and have sponsored for 33 years, funding many community and church ministries.

Class name: Bill Vanhoy/Ron Williams

Room number: 21

Ages: 40- Class 80’s

Teachers: Ron Williams (Lorene Nelson and Bill Vanhoy, assistants)

Topics/Literature: International Bible Lessons Adult Bible Series by Cokesbury (official quarterly resource of the United Methodist Church)

Social activities: Sunday coffee time in class 20 minutes prior to Sunday School, summer/fall cook-out, catered Christmas party, and other events as occasions arrive

Mission activities: Cards, flowers and meals for class members as appropriate, supports the summer campership fund at the Murdoch Developmental Center at Butner, NC; contributes to the Winston-Salem Rescue Mission’s Thanksgiving meal; supports local church needs such as love offerings and the Samaritan Fund.

Other comments: We have a great cohesiveness with concern for our class members, other church members, and our community as a whole. We are a cordial group and would like to invite anyone to visit and/or join with us.

Class name: Branches of the Vine

Room number: 40

Ages: 18-40

Teachers: Various classmates

Teaching format: Discussion

Topics/Literature: 102 Fascinating Bible Studies

Social activities: Planned throughout the year

Mission activities: Make-A-Wish Foundation

Other comments: This is a relatively new class made up of young singles as well as married couples. They enjoy their time in class and are building relationships amongst their families.

Class name: Faith and Friendship

Room number: 39

Ages: late 20’s to mid 40’s

Teachers: Varies

Teaching format: Various, based on class interests

Current study: If God Has a Refrigerator, Your picture is on It By James Moore

Social activities: Annual Spring BBQ Fundraiser; summer pool party/cookout; Christmas Breakfast

Mission activities: Donation of class funds to various missions (Crises Control, Church Food Pantry, Preschool scholarship fund, etc.); Backpack program for feeding hungry children at Walkertown Elementary School; adopting local needy families at Christmas.

Class name: New Beginnings

Room number: 41

Ages: College/early Career

Teachers: Tanner McPeak, Betsy Wilson

Teaching format: Bible study, occasional video series, discussion, current topics

Current Study: God Space-Where Spiritual Conversations Happen Naturally by Group

Social activities: Planned throughout the year

Mission activities: Make-A-Wish Foundation

Other comments: This class is mainly comprised of our college aged students. The topics vary, but lively discussion is encouraged.

Class name: Robert West

Room number: Chapel

Ages: 60 +

Teachers: Jack Hester and Spencer Evans

Topics/Literature: Bible Lessons Adult Bible Series by Cokesbury (official quarterly resource of the United Methodist Church)

Social activities: Annual seafood dinner outing

Mission activities: Treats for shut-ins; support other church and Sunday School projects and activities.

Other comments: We have a spirit of fellowship, care and concern for each other and others in our church and community. This class has provided leadership and service to our church for many years.

Class name: Seekers

Room number: 22

Ages: 35-60

Teachers: Lynne and Randy Hackaday

Teaching format: Discussion, literature, video series

Current Study: Book of James

Topics/Literature: General Discussion

Mission activities: various

Other comments: This is the newest class at Morris Chapel. We enjoy Bible study, emphasis on prayer and faith, and enjoy open discussion.